What is Dwight Healthy and Just?
We are a group of community members and researchers working to understand, educate around and improve the air quality in the Dwight neighborhood!
The Dwight Healthy and Just Neighborhood Project is a collaboration between New Haven's Dwight Central Management Team, the Greater Dwight Development Corporation, members of the Dwight community, and the Yale Urban Design Workshop, with financial support from the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
El Proyecto de Vecindario Saludable y Justo de Dwight es una colaboración entre el Equipo de Administración Central de Dwight, la Corporación de Desarrollo del Greater Dwight, los miembros de la comunidad de Dwight, y el Taller de Diseño Urbano de Yale, con apoyo financiero de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental de los Estados Unidos.
Website designed and built by: Yale Urban Design Workshop